Corona crisis or not, the fight against rapists continues

On March 23, rapist Harvey Weinstein was sentenced to 23 years in prison. Shortly after, the corona epidemic became a global crisis. Justice seems even further away for many victims now, and some are as we speak locked in with their abusers. During these dark times, it’s important to remember what we can achieve, together.
Activists Rosanna Arquette and Sarah Ann Masse are two of the women who’ve been fighting Weinstein through court. We asked them shortly after the sentencing to write a message for victims of sexual assault worldwide. Our ambassadors and founder will close this piece with their response.
Zara’s Comics for Foundation Cassandra.
Rosanna Arquette, actress and activist:
“I want to thank all the other brave silence breakers that continued the fight for justice no matter how hard it became. When we were disbelieved and threatened we kept going and we kept going, so all survivors world wide could be heard and know that their voice matters. This is a day that we never thought we would see. Though prison is not truly justice for rape survivors it’s something and we will take it. I hope this puts people who rape on notice, this is a crime and you will be held accountable.”
Sarah Ann Masse, actress and activist:
“After 12 years of pain, fear, and sacrifice seeing my abuser, Harvey Weinstein, sentenced to a significant amount of jail time is an indescribable relief. I owe this relief to the courage of each and every one of the 111+ women who shared their stories and put their lives on the line- especially those who participated in the criminal case and took the stand in this trial, I owe this relief to all who have bravely spoken out as Silence Breakers, and all survivors who have publicly or privately said ‘Me Too’.”
“This sentencing is a signal that survivors are believed and sets a precedent moving forward. I pray that this is the dawn of change for a safer future. But this is only the beginning. I will work to expose and unseat abusers, to make society safer, the criminal justice system more equitable, and will refuse to allow survivors to be punished for their bravery in speaking up. I look forward to continuing to change the world for the better with all my survivor and activist siblings so that no one has to endure what we've had to endure ever again. This message is a reminder to all survivors everywhere: we believe you, we stand with you, and we will fight for justice for all of you.”
Ambassadors Cassandra
International Women’s Day March Maastricht, 2020.
Karine Isambert:
“I’m moved and relieved to learn the victory of the Harvey Weinstein victims. Their courage and resilience will mark an important turning point in history. All women should be grateful that his survivors came forward and it will help all of us to talk and to be listened to from now on.”
Ena Kasumović-Tuhčić:
“It's good Weinstein is convicted. I suspect he will appeal the conviction, so I won't celebrate yet. His sentence of 23 years is something most Dutch rape victims can't even imagine. Jail sentences in rape cases here are incredibly low. That needs to change.”
Izzy Wu Ramos:
“In a society where victims of abuse are often silenced it becomes important to find a safe space where there are people who defend your interests, such as a foundation like Cassandra. This collective input is what causes people like Weinstein to be tried and convicted.”
Sand Van Roy:
“I’m relieved justice has been served.”
International Women’s Day March Maastricht, 2020.
Foundation Cassandra
“Weinstein’s conviction is an important reminder of what we can achieve when we listen to each other, amplify voices of those who should be heard and work together.”
“The world is currently facing the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to social isolation we see a rise of reports of domestic violence and (child) abuse in newspapers worldwide. We want to encourage everybody to read the articles about it and to contact the police if you feel in danger or are worried someone else is.”
“Foundation Cassandra will continue her work - defending the interests of victims of sexual and psychological violence - even during this crisis. If you can help us in any way - either through donations or by becoming a volunteer translator, please reach out to us.”
“Please stay safe, wash your hands and make sure your loved ones do too.”